It's DECEMBER..The last month of the year..
What have I done this year?
A summary need to be write out in the end of this month...but not now..
I am currently working as a teacher at Smart Reader Kid Centre, the same centre that i worked last year. Initially, I was intended to work at the tuition centre that i worked during May/June sem breaks however the principal is kinda irresponsible..
She should told me earlier that her tuition centre is currently no vacancy. However, she only told me after a week i called her where she promise me that would offer me a job on December. Fortunately, Smart reader kid has a vacancy now, allow me to work from 30th November until 18th December..Not many days, only 15 working days and the wages approximately to be RM600. Anyway, it is better than doing nothing and sit at home. RM600 is really a bit too little for me - a big spender. So, I trying to look for some promoter daily job to earn some fast money also especially Christmas job. Hope to get a christmas job la...
Since i won the big prize, I am so addicted in participate contests, games, competitions those thing. Not really easy to win indeed! But, i believe that if you try more and your chance to win will increase~

Went to watch this movie on last Friday with my honey at Pavilion.
Kinda boring at the first when the man trying to figure out why his wife being accused for the murderer case and how he plan all the "jailbreak" thing however story come to a climax when he put all those plans into action! So exciting and quite touching also for the ending.
Anyway, i like the ending!
Found out some video proved that this method is malfunction but some comments said it is work. So? Try it out to prove it haha
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