It’s been two weeks after school life commenced. Finish 4 mid tests and now is time to rush for assignments…Headache for the assignments especially the costing assignment, have no idea how to begin it at all ><
Coming Thursday is my room mate – jessjing 21st birthday. We bought her something very special. I went to the “sex toy” shop looking for something which “suit” her…Kinda weird and embarrass for me to step in the shop and some more with my boyfriend however i never thought those "toy" is actually very expensive >< So i changed my plan to buy some sexy sleeping clothes instead of that “adult toy” and also a 8gb pendrive contains with some “adult movie” hahaha…She must be very surprise when she saw them..We also recorded some video and make a birthday video compilation for her!
Passed by Fahrenheit 88 shopping mall last Saturday. The KL Plaza after renovation! It’s definitely a cool place to hang out and for shopping spree! Modern design with fashion shops.
Alright, i guess it’s time to stop here..Need to take a bath and a nap before my noon class at 2pm ><
I like this!

Delicious Oriental and Western cuisines at VIVO restaurant~
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