Okay, well I saw this post from Jason mraz’s blog. He saw secrets as his first word however I saw naked. What about you?? I’m not sure what does this mean..
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Live Your Football Dream Contest
上个月参加的Head & Shoulder/Gillette举办的比赛-Live your football dream contest..
只需要拍一个video about football skill/goal celebration..然后post上去,vote就可以了
本来我不是很有兴趣参加的因为要vote..而且是100% based on votes的..
contest october就开始了,我也是november中才参加的...
还需要附上一张receipt证明你买了at least RM25的head and shoulder/gillette的产品...
我甚至早上睡觉也爬起来特地online vote...
前面白衣和蓝衣的就是first and second prize winner了
他们可以去england看chelsea vs liverpool的比赛
first prize的还有机会再west ham academy那边训练一个星期...
third prize winner是highest vote from 3-7的video赢得的...
因为其实才有2件rio,2件gerrard和1件jole cole的..
心想拿到joe cole的真是不幸运..
旁边那个印度人还有那个uncle都是liverpool fans来的...可怜那个uncle拿到joe cole的
题外话,为了去拿这份prize,特地去到Surian Tower,就是位于The Curve隔壁那带..老实说,我从来没有去过The Curve/Ikea那带,One U也是去过一次而已..山芭下 其实没有说很远啦,可是有人却说很远
这里就是the curve了,连接E@ curve还有Ikano几间商场..
Friday, December 17, 2010
Movie–The Social Network
To all facebook users, I strongly recommend you to watch this movie. This is the best of the year! The story about Mark Zuckerberg and how he created the best invention of the decade – Facebook and connected 5 millions people all around the world! This is the beginning and the most initial part of this greatest invention!
If you are facebook user, you should have watch this in cinema!
The story is about how Mark Zuckerberg got the idea to create a social network, what legal issues that he faced on, the real background story of others co-founder and yes Mark Zuckerberg story. Although some issues are not 100% true, it’s worth for a watch
Here is a link for the comparison of true facts and movie plots, enjoy!
Update 17 December
I still working at the smart reader kid centre and for this week, there were no more student since they already started their holiday, so what is my new job scope since there are no student? The principle requested us to do some education material and stick in on the wall as a new decoration for the centre to welcome the new year and new badge student. Okay, so I did 5 pieces of manila card which full of education information such as family relationships, ‘Negaraku” lyric, animals..and more. As you know, we did that for kids so it has to be attractive. Therefore, I drew many pictures on the manila card, mostly is copy from books but I could not believe that I can actually draw and paint nicely. The last time when i holding a pencil and draw a cartoon should be during my art class at primary school. Drawing and Painting are not my hobby. I am so proud of myself haha..
On last Wednesday, I worked as a surveyor at Bukit Jalil, there was a football match - AFF Suzuki Cup semi-final Malaysia vs Vietnam match. Working hour is 6-8PM, RM20 per hour. It’s simple, hold the questionnaires and ask the crowd..Based on the questions, I can see this is a survey for Suzuki..
So, I were teamed with a guy and walked around outside the stadium and surveyed the crowd..mostly are Malay guys and I saw some supporters for Vietnam team too. I did try to ask those Vietnamese too, but many of them cannot speak English or hard to understand English so I got to gave up for Vietnamese and only focus on Malaysian. Many of them are quite helpful and nice and I discovered something , all football fans here love English Premier League however not all football fans love Malaysia League haha..This is the survey result for me based on those Malay football fans. Another thing is, I did asked for extra regarding which is their favourite English Premier League team? and the result is definitely Manchester United haha and I’ve got one for Liverpool and one for Chelsea. Poor them..
After that, I entered the stadium and continue my survey until 8PM, the match started. A pity fact is I do not see any Chinese inside the stadium, 90% is Malay, 8% is Vietnamese and another 2% for Indian and others. But I love the ambience especially when singing “Negaraku” before the match start, all raise up and sing it out loud. I believe that it was the loudest version of “Negaraku” that I’d ever heard. You can actually see that Sport game especially Football is the only thing that can unite all together! How cool is that! That’s one of the reason why I love football so much!
After I passed back my staff permit and all questionnaires to the person in charge, she gave us a small merchandise.
Hopefully Malaysia can go in to the final stage and perhaps I’ll get another job !
最近我在工作上认识了一位女同事,第一天看到她我就觉得这个女子很高,身材标准,还蛮漂亮下的,原来已经是个有三个孩子的妈妈了,最大那个女儿都已经7岁了..当时我也很难猜她的年龄,过后她告诉我都接近30了,那么我猜应该是29岁吧,可是看起来真的不像,我一度以为她才26岁…so i guess她应该很早就结婚了吧..过后经过一些对话,才发现到原来她生了第三个孩子的时候才和他老公注册,不过今年初却离婚了,现在有一位要好的男朋友,她没有清楚地说明离婚的原因,可是却说有老公等于没有老公所以就离婚了..
过后有一天,我听到她和一位朋友在用电话聊天,还聊蛮久的,不是我偷听,是她在我面前大谈阔论的,凭我听到的对话内容,我做出的结论是对方是位男子,而且认识她已经有整11之久,和她是同一个家乡来的,而且还是有老婆了的,可是我听到她和他的对话还挺肉麻的..例如你过来找我,我就陪你啦,你一天不和她离婚,我都不会答应你的,你就想得美,要他又要我,要挂电话时还muakcs muacks..还不止,对话中,我听到她和电话里的男子说:那个香港的他说要过来找我,他说他已经有女朋友了可是不想和她“做”,想和我“做”,还说等他过来马来西亚后,无论对方有没有男女朋友都一定要“做”…
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Alviss Kong
我相信这位先生应该是当下facebook蛮红的人..他的自杀离去引起很多人的反应..自杀的地方在Ketumbar Heights, Cheras..那个condominium我也知道在哪里..因为接受不到女朋友说要分手,结果一时想不开选择自己离开了这个世界..本来只是普通一则自杀新闻,可是facebook却很多热心人士开了很多不同类型的group和page..例如:
其实那时候我看到怀念alviss kong的group时,我也是觉得一个自杀的人值不值得那么多人support那个page呢…对我来说一个为爱情自杀的人绝对不是伟大的人..please,是一个愚蠢到不能再愚蠢的人,我并不觉得这样说一个死去的人有什么不妥,因为他的死最重要是为大家带来一个警惕,提醒现在的年轻人,不要因为失恋而一时想不开去跳楼,这不是伟大的行为!可是我看到很多那些反对的group里面的comment就说,他不是傻啦,是伟大等等的comments…我就心想Oh My God,这样的作风会不会使一些少年也以为自杀可以让自己出名,是一种伟大的行为呢??现在科技那么发达,特别是facebook这个social network, 拥有庞大的年轻人-应该是说少年..他们的想法很心灵很容易被这些咨询荼毒的..
R.I.P Alviss Kong
Thursday, December 09, 2010
Update 9th December
My third semester result has just been released today…My friend sent a message to me to informed me that the result checking website has changed. The new website is more user friendly and even better. We can even check how many points we get exactly in every particular subjects!! How good is that ~
FYI, a good news to announce! I got my very first 4.0 finally! For the past two semesters,I was always disappointed by only one subject which was an A-. But finally i have made myself to not get any A- anymore haha~
Have a nice outing with friends on Tuesday. In fact, I am not prefer to go out on public holiday as you know crowded everywhere, traffic jam…so frustrating. However, our gathering had to be set on public holiday or weekend ever since one of my friend – Lifong has become an office lady. So, this is the first time that we are not taking public transport to KL area. Simlim drove her car and we had a car pool to Times Square. The parking was so full…We can only parked at B5 which is the lowest floor..It does not a matter anyway.
After that, we had a movie at Pavilion – Lelio Popo – A Malaysian Chinese Product which casted by 2 famous 988 station DJ –KK and Luke. The story was about two man who disguised as an old lady in order to get a job in a radio station. The movie lesson is more about Respect to the older. Not really bad. Then, we had our dinner at Sushi Zanmai, Fahrenheit 88. We were served to be seated at VIP table. Not much different with other tables, only beautiful KL view and a little bit privacy area.Our gathering was ended with a snow flake show at Pavilion. I can’t imagine what so special with the fake snow…It as all about suds. Doesn’t it?? But there was crowded and in my opinion, It was not bad for a photo taking session with those suds..Cheers
Haha, My crazy friend – June ..Oops, should call her Marilyn Monroe ^^
This is our VIP table at Sushi Zanmai ^^
Another movie that I had with my Honey on Monday – Bruce Lee, My Brother
The movie revealed many little secrets of Bruce Lee and his teenage life. It’s worth for a watch. However, Please be advised that do not bring any hope to see any fighting scene in the movie. It do have some but the main point that bring out from the movie is the story about Bruce Lee, but not how he fight. Kinda touching also. Bruce Lee – The legend of Chinese!
Maroon 5 concert!
Recently, there are news regarding Maroon 5 Asia Tour on next year 2011. Jakarta stop has been confirmed and all tickets had been sold out( source from Website)…And I even saw that Malaysia is one of the stop !! Oh My God, please It must be true because I love them..should be HIM – the main vocalist – Adam Levine so much!! How amazing is he, with a gorgeous look and unique vocal! Now, I was hoping that the ticket news to be release soon because I just can’t wait to buy the tickets!
Here some related news regarding the Tour.http://www.prworldwidelive.com/index.php?id=117
I have another good stuff to introduce here..A song by Bruno Mars! Bruno Mars is the second singer that i admire after Chris Brown (for non white singer la..)! They are so similar in their song style. I like them even though Chris Brown was involved in brutality while Bruno Mars was involved in Drugs.
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Update 2nd December
It's DECEMBER..The last month of the year..
What have I done this year?
A summary need to be write out in the end of this month...but not now..
I am currently working as a teacher at Smart Reader Kid Centre, the same centre that i worked last year. Initially, I was intended to work at the tuition centre that i worked during May/June sem breaks however the principal is kinda irresponsible..
She should told me earlier that her tuition centre is currently no vacancy. However, she only told me after a week i called her where she promise me that would offer me a job on December. Fortunately, Smart reader kid has a vacancy now, allow me to work from 30th November until 18th December..Not many days, only 15 working days and the wages approximately to be RM600. Anyway, it is better than doing nothing and sit at home. RM600 is really a bit too little for me - a big spender. So, I trying to look for some promoter daily job to earn some fast money also especially Christmas job. Hope to get a christmas job la...
Since i won the big prize, I am so addicted in participate contests, games, competitions those thing. Not really easy to win indeed! But, i believe that if you try more and your chance to win will increase~

Went to watch this movie on last Friday with my honey at Pavilion.
Kinda boring at the first when the man trying to figure out why his wife being accused for the murderer case and how he plan all the "jailbreak" thing however story come to a climax when he put all those plans into action! So exciting and quite touching also for the ending.
Anyway, i like the ending!
Found out some video proved that this method is malfunction but some comments said it is work. So? Try it out to prove it haha
Friday, November 26, 2010
Whole New November
Finally, I've got it done!
It's a little bit long-winded..but it's so detailed because i want to keep all the memories in here so that i won't forget any single thing happened at there~
So wassup November?
Okay, ever since i come back, i started to miss London very much and i keep my feeling by writing the England trip journal and viewing other people experiences in England..
Anyhow, i still need to face my final exam...
Not feeling good to mention about it..Just let it pass..
Any outing in November?
Yea, for sure..I'm not that kind of person who willing to sacrifice any outing only for the sake of preparing exam..That's just not me!
3rd November

Had a great birthday celebration with my dear friends..It was shinyi 21st birthday..The birthday celebration was at Look Out Point and i gotta tell it is actually not a good place for birthday celebration because there are so windy, we can't even light up the birthday candle for one second ...how sad huh..><
Location: Look Out Point
6th November

It was my grandma birthday celebration..Shame to tell that i'm not sure how old is she..78?79? Okay, i will pay my attention on it next time ..
Nice gathering with my relatives especially my cousins!
Location: Seremban
19th November

Had a great outing with my honey...We went to sing karaoke at Red Box Low Yat and then we went to KLCC for a movie - RED...

A grand new shop at KLCC - Harrods!!
It was a mini size of Harrods from London at KLCC...
How could i miss the chance to take a photo with my lovely Harrods Bear..^^

Yes 4g launch at Lot10, It was crazy and a lot of people there for the latest technology launching..

I like this photo..i think it should be the photo of the day haha..
Kuala Lumpur is not that bad for the night scene!

Sushi dinner at Sushi Zanmai, Fahrenheit88
It was my first try at sushi Zanmai and i've got to said that i'm totally fall in love with it and the price there is not that high as what i expected!
FYI, I visited to Uniqlo as well just wanna to see the reason why there are people willing to queue up for the store grand opening...However, i don't see any reason that worth for me to queue up for it..The clothes there are not really suitable for Malaysia weather even though it is nice and fashionable but what for to buy those thick and warm clothing at here?
Location: Times square, Low Yat, Lot10, Fahrenheit88, Pavilion and KLCC
20th November

My little cousin birthday celebration at his house...
Another nice gathering with all my relatives and especially my cousin...
I finally met my cousin - Newman's girl friend haha..
A great instant photo taken together with my cousins~

I love it!
Location: My aunt house at Alam Damai, Cheras
24th November
A day at Genting..My boy friend and I went to Genting and the main purpose is I wanna apply a Genting World Card haha..
Now is school holiday and so you can see how crowded is Genting even it is only weekday..
We only went into casino and apply a card..
I've got RM20 free credits in my new card and so i spent it all in playing slot machine..I was winning at the first but lose it all in the end ><
Anyway, i was not spending any single cent from my wallet for gamble...
We spent about 3 hours at there and went back home...
The Genting cable car was just finish maintenance however the functionality is worse than before..It keep pause and move, pause and move for several times when we ride up and also back..
Location: Genting Highland, Connaught Night market
Now is time to focus on looking for a job and start working!!
英格兰4天3夜-London&Manchester(+FrankLampard见面会) 21Oct-26Oct2010 (10)
Bye Manchester, Hi again London!
下车后,我们打算步行到Buckingham Palace,因为从地图看Buckingham Palace离London Victoria Coach Station不是很远..
可是我们还是回去Victoria Station先,去那边上个厕所再去..
在Victoria Station那边看到这个
这个机器令我想起Mr Bean的故事...其实老实说认识很多England的景色还有物品都是from Mr Bean的..
换了钱,上了厕所后,我们就开始步行到Buckingham Palace了..
不过我男友说看到他们的sleeping bag很干净,而且整4个人,相信应该是bagpacker来的...
结果我们走走下,看到一间开了门的Souvenir shop就走进去shopping了下..
店里只有一位店员在工作,他也没有怎样管我们,他在忙他的,只是他有说..Just call me when you done..
店员: Where are you from?
我们: Malaysia
店员: Are you from Kuala?
店员: My bro at there...
我们: Ooo..Study or working?
店员: I'm not sure but i know he is there..
我们: Oo..Today is actually our last day in London..
店员: Oo..so you like London?
我们: Ya!! Definitely~ We love London so much!
买完东西后都已经天亮了,没有刚才那么黑,所以我们继续前往Buckingham Palace!!
可是无所谓啦,我觉得早上的Buckingham Palace挺美的哦
Buckingham Palace全景
Buckingham Palace对面的Statue..
这张是zoom前去拍的..很准时上班的Red soldier..
过后我们就步行回去Victoria Station那边搭underground回去我们之前在London住的酒店拿回我们寄放的行李,顺便在酒店的厕所洗脸刷牙下才回来这个 Victoria Coach Station搭transit bus去Heathrow Airport..
从这里直走就可以去到Buckingham Palace了..
回去Victoria Station underground后,买了peak hour的day travel pass7.20英镑,之前我们搭的day travel才不过5.20英镑,peak hour却比较贵,我们就搭回去Warren Street Station就是我们酒店“最靠近”的underground station回去酒店取回我们的luggage然后顺便在酒店的toilet梳洗一番,就再回去Victoria Station了..
最靠近我们酒店的underground station不是warren street而是Great Portland Street..
不过其实Warren street也不会很远而已啦..
所以我们就从Great Portland Street--〉Baker Street--〉Oxford Circus--〉Victoria..
到了Victoria Station后,我们就步行去我们今天抵达的地方Victoria Coach Station,买了些面包当早餐吃,等一回儿就有巴士来了
选择airport transfer..6英镑一个人..
可是由于accident的关系,所以整一个小时十分钟才抵达Heathrow airport terminal 3..
由于我们的departure gate是在terminal 4所以我们要乘一些类似KLIA也有的快铁transit去terminal 4..
趁着还有时间,我们就赶快去做VAT refund..
我们过scanning machine时,我们把外套脱掉嘛..结果有个airport员工看到我们两个都是穿着曼联的jersey就摆出一副臭脸..
没有去到Harrods可是也要跟Harrods Bear拍照留念下
回的时候也是搭Etihad airway,也是同样地在Abu Dhabi转机..