Thursday, September 24, 2009

PLs stop SMokiNg

This week’s tip is simple. Stop Smoking. Cigarette butts are one of theleading causes of litter and pollution in our rivers, lakes andstreams. Not to mention, the smoking trend ended in the 90’s. Give itup. If you don’t smoke, I challenge you to help someone you know quit.

Astudy printed in the USA Today yesterday (How is that for an oxymoron?)In areas where smoking has been banned, heart attacks have decreased by15%.

I smoked for 10 years so I know how much fear andinsecurity is wrapped up in it. I also know how scary it is when youthink about quitting. You might think life is gonna suck, that you’llgain weight, or be depressed. But the fact is, if you keep smoking, youwill always be out of shape and depression will be more common. To geta similar buzz, you may as well put your lips around an exhaust pipe.

Tonot smoke means you care about what goes into your body, thusstrengthening your level of consciousness. The less toxins in your bodymeans the less toxic thoughts you’re likely to have. Ignorance may bebliss, but it is also unattractive.

Some people say they smokebecause of boredom. Some people smoke because it keeps them awake andgives them a recharge. Some people smoke to help them relax. Acigarette isn’t a miracle performance enhancer. It’s you who choosesboredom, to be awake or to relax. A sunset will still be beautifulwithout a cigarette to mark the occasion. A movie is still the samemovie even if you don’t smoke after it. The drive to work is still thedrive to work. Why add poison to the process? And after sex? Spare me.I wouldn’t even date a smoker.

That’s enough of my spiel. If you want to quit, just do it. If you want some assistance, try reading The EasyWay to Stop Smoking, By Alan Carr.It’s a great method that doesn’t put any additional pressure on yourtransformation. The book does a remarkable job of reversing thepsychological addiction that smoking actually is. So please come of ageand stop flipping ash and butts all over the road, into the drainpipesand out into the murky water we need for the sustainability of futuregenerations.

Thanks for your consideration, leadership and activism,

jason mraz原来曾经也是名smokers...
趁着在即将到来的new budget...
cigarette 一定起价的

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