8 is a fortunate number for chinese means that rich...
but for female.."8" has another meaning
we have 8th march women day...why is has been fixed on 8th march?? I've no idea..
"8" is a natural ability for all female..i'm absolutely sure for that~
I read an article before, why are female usually alive longer than a male?? In fact, 8 contribute a lot in this case..The article said that 8 actually is an alternative to reduce stress!
I'm 8..i admit it...
I just realized how 8 am I...
I was too free..really, just surfing in facebook and saw an album titled Pc Fair..
Just clicked inside and viewed those photos..
Even more i clicked into those tagged people's profile..><
As you know, some profile was set as private so i can't view but some was open for public to view..
Surprised me when i saw the persons in the first and second profile that i viewed have the same birthday with me! Some more is lenglui tim haha~
I was never find a person who have the same birthday with me...excluding celebrities,famous athlete,...etc..
What a coincidence, i saw two persons have the same birthday with me in the same time!
About my birthday, it will be on next friday 14th August ^^
No surprise, i will be with my bf on that day ~
After the birthday, I will officially become 20 years old...><
Anyway, birthday is always a happy day for me~